Implementation of the Bermuda Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan(BSAP)
Clearwater Middle School students removing a fridge from Officer's Beach
Many of the actions and activities prescribed in the Bermuda Biodiversity Action Plan (2003) have been successfully completed or are ongoing. These activities are carried out by the many BSAP stakeholder organisations and individuals, often in collaboration with each other and the Bermuda community.
Annual Reports on Biodiversity Action Plan Implementation:
The latest Bermuda National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) implementation report is from the calendar year 2021. A consultation draft PDF can be found here. Corrections and additions may be sent until July 2022.
Bermuda NBSAP implementation report for 2021
Bermuda NBSAP implementation report for 2020
Bermuda NBSAP implementation report for 2019
Bermuda NBSAP implementation report for 2018
Bermuda NBSAP implementation report for 2017
Bermuda NBSAP implementation report for 2016
Bermuda NBSAP implementation report for 2015.
Soccer team planting endemic and native plants at Cooper's Island